Organizational Development

In order to create highly functioning, productive and healthy workplaces, there are requisite skills needed in your staff and management teams to achieve these goals. A highly skilled and dedicated employee may be successful at the task at hand but may struggle with effectively working on a team or acting in a leadership position. Interpersonal problems have the potential to undermine the effectiveness of a work team while interpersonal connectedness may help a work team to thrive.

At Spark Inspiration, we offer specialized training focused on developing specific skill sets to cultivate effective communication, cultural competence and leadership. Our training programs cover a wide range of topics, including: assertiveness skills, intuitive communication, conflict resolution, creating healthy workplaces, tapping into the power of diversity, emotionally-focused group process, transformational leadership, work-life balance, mindfulness, and stress management, among others.

Each program and service is specifically developed to meet your unique training needs based on your organizational culture, target audience and training goals.

personal transformation

Culture of Wellness

Organizational transformation doesn’t happen overnight. It takes dedication and persistence from leadership who are able to see the broader view as well as employees who are willing to serve as champions committed to support a culture of wellness.


We offer specialized training and consultation focused on developing specific skill sets to cultivate effective communication, cultural competence, and leadership.

organizational development
dr cindy wang morris

Action Plans

We collaborate with your leadership and staff to set an action plan based on our needs assessment.

Take Your First Steps Towards Transformation